Op 29 maart gaat de compositie ‘Kindred Souls’ in première. Het werk staat in het teken van het afscheid van Klaas Jan van der Veen van de Gereformeerde Brassband Groningen en is om die reden geschreven in de vorm van...
Binnenkort gaat het project ‘Hemellichamen’ van start. Dit unieke en innovatieve project brengt een combinatie van een fanfareorkest en live-elektronica samen in een nieuw gecomponeerde muziekervaring geïnspireerd door de fascinerende klanken van de kosmos. De compositie draait om het thema...
DROGEHAM – The Maranathakerk in Drogeham provided a warm and atmospheric setting on Saturday evening for a special Christmas concert by Christian Brass Band Da Capo, together with the Urker Men’s Quartet and the Drogeham Choir. The audience enjoyed an...
To celebrate the 120th anniversary of Fanfare Looft den Heer from Oudega, I wrote the piece ‘Weerspiegelingen.’ The work will premiere on Saturday, November 2nd. The composition reflects the history and surroundings of the fanfare and the village of Oudega....
'Next year marks 105 years since our fanfare was founded, and we will also commemorate 80 years of liberation. We have commissioned composer Arend Gerds to write a musical piece (composition) that reflects the story of Operation Quick Anger (also...
Due to the 125th anniversary of Chr. Brassband 'Wilhelmina' Kollum, I wrote 'Wild Flower.' The piece will be premiered on November 9th by this brass band conducted by Koen van der Molen. More information about this concert can be found...
Concordia Elburg and Fanfare Nooit Gedacht Windesheim will jointly premiere the composition Compagno on May 25, 2024, under the direction of Nienke Veldhuizen. The piece was written for their conductor, Jan Maat, who is retiring after 43 years with both...
Premiere 'Kinetic', Royal Brass in concert
The brass quintet of the Royal Concertgebouw Orchestra is coming to Minnertsga. Five world-class musicians, together with the brass band, will give the “Royal Brass in concert” concert on Sunday, January 14, 2024 at 4:00 pm. No need to go...
During the Christmas concert of Brass band 'Da Capo' Drogeham (led by Bienze Ijlstra) on December 23, 2023, the composition 'Unbreakable Ties', written especially for them, was premiered. 'In a packed hall we had our annual Christmas concert on Saturday. How...
Soon Arno Groeneveld will take his leave as conductor of Kunst Na Arbeid Hierden. To celebrate the fine period that Arno has been conductor of KNA and to conclude pleasantly, KNA will give a concert on February 3, 2024 in...
On December 8, the Reformed Brass Band Groningen (conducted by Jan Werkman) will premiere the composition “Vita Iter. This work was written in honor of the wedding ceremony of Frits and Zwannie Werkman and will sound during their wedding service...
The work Anaphoric was written for the winner of the 2022 Public Dutch Fanfare Championships, De Bazuin Augustinusga conducted by Gerk Huisma. This energetic opening work contains a musical translation of the stylistic figure Anaphoric, which consists of repeating words...